“I’m sending along much appreciation for the way you two held and guided the circle today. The way it unfolded was much better than I could have imagined. And it couldn’t have happened this way if you hadn’t done such a thorough job of interviewing & assimilating beforehand. I’m sure it was a ton of work but it will really help [us] settle down and move forward. Now we can all have some fun!”
— non-profit co-founder, Circle Participant
“I thought today we all experienced a beautiful unfolding process. I felt shifts happening in myself and in certain areas of the room, and felt hopeful that the shifting energy will continue. Each and all of you as a team did a fantastic job. It felt like a deep-cleaning of layers of covered up, avoided and messy areas so that the truth could be viewed more clearly... You laid it out so well, in an order that gradually opened to more understanding and trust. And you orchestrated the right timing for each round of the Circle. I’m so grateful to all of you for the energy, time, care, and expertise you put into this.”
— non-profit co-founder, Circle Participant
“This was the most practical and big picture thinking professional development training I have ever been a part of in my 17 years of teaching.”
— Teacher, training participant
“I believe that Restorative Practices can build a better, more compassionate society. I am excited to contribute to this effort by using circles and teaching children to listen, be open-minded, share, feel OK to feel vunerable, and feel safe and respected in who they are.”
— Teacher
“While I cannot claim to be an expert, after spending 18 hours training with the amazing staff from Pathways to Restorative Communities, I’m convinced that this is the most humane, progressive and common sense way to acknowledge pain, restore dignity and create long term healing in any community. The concepts have proven themselves effective in resolving conflicts in many cultures in the world and hold incredible potential for healing harm in our own schools and communities..... if we have the courage to implement them.”
— Teacher
“I am a second grade teacher, and I don’t always leave professional development opportunities feeling hopeful about having something constructive to implement in my classroom. After this training, I truly feel optimistic that I have a new community-strengthening routine I can implement in my classroom effective immediately!”
— Teacher, training participant
“The Intro to Restorative Practices training struck an amazing balance between providing concrete tools with thought-provoking conversation: a combination that honors both the simplicity and complexity of implementing restorative practices. I feel so much more prepared to bring this back to the teachers I work with.”
— Afterschool Program Director
“I have found these trainings to be a highlight of my year this year. The trainers present the material in down-to-earth, pragmatic, accessible ways that permits rapid, stress-free implementation. I plan to attend future offerings.”
— School Psychologist/Team Chair
“Participating in this workshop helped me to sharpen and fine tune my own development as a Circle Keeper. I found the discussions to be thought provoking, and meaningful. It helped me to look within to see how I could continue my growth with Restorative Practices.”
— Circle Keeper Training Participant
“This training reinforced and grounded me in not only steps of being a Circle Keeper but, perhaps more importantly, the stance of compassion to help people be with each other in difficult times and difficult conversations. “Be the change you want to see” is in full effect both in the training leaders and the approach they guide.”
— school, child & family therapist, Circle Keeper Training Participant
“I loved this course. It really helped me hone my own use of restorative practices and I noticed how my colleagues have also implemented their own changes in the effort to create a more restorative-minded environment in our school. ”
— guidance counselor, training participant
“This was a fantastic training. I feel SO much more prepared to keep a circle. I have been part of circles before, but this really helped me understand the meaning behind each step. The organization of the training was excellent— the materials were engaging, and the group itself was incredibly inspiring. We learned how to keep circle by being in circles— which was perfect. I loved coming to this every week!”
— Circle Keeper training participant
“Restorative practices are an integral piece of ensuring that all students voices are heard. It promotes, equality, equity, and creativity.”
— School Counselor
“I am a fourth grade teacher and I learned so much from the Restorative Practices training. I loved how the trainings included time to plan and brainstorm topics and I already feel more comfortable with running circles in my classroom!”
— teacher, training participant
“Community Building Circles created an environment where students and staff could build unique relationships that allowed barriers to be broken down and meaningful change to happen within the school.”
— Teacher
“In the ongoing Circle I hold with young men, it was a unique opportunity for them to take off their ‘masks’ and be real and genuine with how they felt, what they thought about, and the goals they had for themselves. It was a safe place for them to open up and talk about their lives in a different way.”
— Social Worker
“There is clarity of the purpose and balance in the flow of my Circles now.”
— Teacher, training participant
“I wish we had done this when I was a freshman. It would have made a big difference in how we all talked with one another”
— Student
“The best conference I have attended. I left every day feeling empowered with the information I needed to make positive changes in my school.”
— School Family Facilitator
“It was really helpful to co-facilitate a restorative conference with Candace. I learned a lot and the debrief afterward really helped me understand the process better.”
— Principal
“No matter whether you are a pro or a beginner, the Circle Keeper training will help strengthen your ability to design and run circles.”
— School Administrator
“We weren’t talking a lot until the circle lady came. I don’t know why but after that we all seemed to have things to say to one another.”
— Student
“I am excited to see how we might use circles and restorative justice practices to help our school engage in active anti-racist community building.”
— High School Teacher
“Amazing people and powerful educational services.”
— Police Officer
“An incredible tool for anyone working with people.”